home > Disneyland Resort > Pictures > Friday, January 23, 2015 - Page 67 of 72 - << previous page : next page >>
I was taking pictures then called by a friend who had just arrived and learned there was a short standby line for the Frozen sisters and said they were taking their daughter and invited me.
I was taking pictures then called by a friend who had just arrived and learned there was a short standby line for the Frozen sisters and said they were taking their daughter and invited me. Click to switch to large image view
So I went over and we waited less than 10 minutes to enter the Character Close Up area.
So I went over and we waited less than 10 minutes to enter the Character Close Up area. Click to switch to large image view
The hallway leading back to the Meet and Greet rooms
The hallway leading back to the Meet and Greet rooms Click to switch to large image view